Game Cancellation Information
Understand our game cancellation procedure due to equipment failure, extreme weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.
Cancellation Protocols
Wellington Hockey rarely cancels games; however, this may occur due to equipment failure, extreme weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances. Hockey will NOT be cancelled unless turfs are unplayable.
Cancellations due to equipment failure may include the failure of lights, watering equipment, playing surface or goal defects that may cause health and safety issues for players.
Cancellations due to weather conditions may include flooding, ice, hail or severe windchill.
Hockey is an all-weather, winter sport. Games are played in the rain if the turfs are playable. If the rain becomes an issue causing flooding on the turfs then the coordinator at NHS will make the decision about cancellations if needed throughout the morning. Any decision made will be posted on Wellington Hockey's Website and Facebook Page in a timely manner.
At satellite turfs, it is the responsibility of coaches/managers to decide if the turf is unplayable and advise the competitions officer of what has happened with each game.
Funsticks cancellations will be made on Wellington Hockey's Website and Facebook Page.
For secondary school and open grade games, the Umpires will make the final decision, after consultation with the affected teams and nominated WHA duty officer, if the decision to cancel was not made earlier in the day by WHA.
Wellington Hockey will try to reschedule the matches to another available date and time. Where this is not practical (i.e. time restraints or similar) then the cancelled match will be deemed a draw.