Stage 1: Discover Hockey
People discover hockey in different ways and at various ages and stages of life. A positive and fun first exposure is critical to instilling a desire to get involved in the game
Your Coaching Checklist
Below is an overview of the skills and tactical concepts you should be coaching players at this stage of their hockey journey. If you need help with understanding these skills, there are several videos that can be found here.
Fundamental Skills
Basic grip
Hitting grip
Ball Carrying
Running with the ball
Changing direction
Change of pace
Dragging (L-R/R-L)
Forehand push pass
Forehand ‘slap’ push pass
Reverse upright pass
Forehand & reverse open receiving
Forehand closed receiving
Basic movement/changing angles
Goal Scoring
Forehand push/flick
Winning the Ball
Forehand/reverse stick tackle
Forehand/reverse stick interception
Ready position
Clearing the ball (R/L foot)
Tactical Concepts
Offensive Concepts
Triangle play & possession
Positioning & structure
1v1 attacking strategies
Defensive Concepts
Understanding dangerous space
Interception mentality
Angles of approach
Creating/defending small spaces
General Concepts
Manipulating space & time
360 degree vision
Recognising passing lanes
Passing & moving
Weekly Planner
Below are some suggestions for what you might want to run on week-to-week to help develop your players, as well as some drills to give you some ideas on how to do it!
Basics: Build & Improve
Basic grip
Running with the ball
Forehand push pass
Forehand & reverse open receiving
Drill Links
Basic & hitting grip
Running with the ball & changing direction
Forehand push pass
Forehand & reverse open receiving
Footwork & forehand/reverse stick tackle
Drill Links
Reinforce Basics & Introduce New Skills
Change of pace
Dragging (L-R/R-L)
Forehand ‘slap’ push pass
Forehand closed receiving
Forehand push/flick
Drill Links
Change of pace
Dragging (L-R/R-L)
Forehand ‘slap’ push pass
Basic movement/changing angles
Forehand closed receiving
Forehand push/flick
Forehand/reverse stick interception
Drill Links
Reinforce New Skills & Add Tactical Concepts
Manipulating space & time
360 degree vision
Understanding dangerous space
Interception mentality
Triangle play & possession
Positioning & structure
Drill Links
Manipulating space & time
360 degree vision
Recognising passing lanes
Passing & moving
Understanding dangerous space
Interception mentality
Angles of approach
Creating/defending small spaces
Triangle play & possession
Positioning & structure
1v1 attacking strategies
Drill Links
Add It All Together
Manipulating space & time
360 degree vision
Recognising passing lanes
Passing & moving
Understanding dangerous space
Interception mentality
Angles of approach
Creating/defending small spaces
Triangle play & possession
Positioning & structure
1v1 attacking strategies
Drill Links
Planning a Training
It's often preferable to structure your trainings in a way that builds progression of the skills or tactics you're developing. We do this through games or drills that grow in complexity or demand as the session goes on.
Individual skill focus
Modified games
Small games
Where possible, it's also a good idea to spend a few minutes before training talking about last week's game, or what you might be doing this training. This should be very quick and brief.